Blog: Pablo Morales

Mexico Journal Entries in French

This post was written in fr


Going on a hike in Oaxaca - 2015

This is some writing I wrote in French while visiting my grandparents in 2015

Jour 1

Je suis arrivé en Mexique.

Jour 2

Le second jour de mes vacances était ennuyeux. Je me lève tôt. Je me suis levé en retard. Je prends une douche. Le jour commence. La dernière fois que je suis venu c'était il y a cinq jours avec ma mère et mes deux sœurs. Nous étions ici partout en été. Je n'ai vraiment pas fait beaucoup, juste aider ma grand-mère à cause de sa santé. Elle est très malade.

Jour 3

Je crois que j'ai une nouvelle routine quand je me lève. Ceci est à cause du fait que je suis dans un nouvel endroit géographique. Je dois recommencer le forme d'habitude que les gens font tous les jours. Pour le petit-déjeuner, je mange beaucoup de pain. A côté de ça je bois du café. C' est un repas traditionnel. Il est vite mangé. Après ça nous avons tué une dinde pour manger un autre plat traditionnel. J'ai un nouvel ami. Il s'appelle Bryan. Ouais c'est un nom américain. Il va à l'école. Il est maintenant en vacances. C' est un garçon aimable. Les parents de Bryan sont vendeurs de glaces délicieuses. Ils vendent aussi du bois de beaucoup parfums. Je passe du temps avec lui. Je vais à sa maison. Nous regardons la télévision. Chez mes grands-parents n'ont pas de télé. Nous regardons les programmes américain en espagnol. J'aime aussi le programme mexicaine aussi. C' est un cool type!

Jour 4

Je me suis encore levé. La même routine comme toujours. Ma routine ici est presque la même comme celle- là, aux États-Unis. J'ai fait la cuisine pour le déjeuner. J'ai préparé un repas italien. C'était "chicken Alfredo" avec pasta. J'ai enseigné mes tantes à faire. C'était délicieux. Mon grand-père et mes tantes l'aiment. Mais ma grand-mère ne l'aime pas. Elle est plus traditionnelle. Elle n'aime pas le change. Oh la la! Elle est compliquée. Vous n'avez pas idée. :'( . Après ça je suis sorti au centre du village. Je fais du shopping. Je rachète dès nourriture. Oh la la il faisait chaud. Je transpire beaucoup. Les tortas sont la version mexicaine d'un sandwich en comparaison entre les américain. Ils sont délicieux. Comme j'aime la nourriture mexicaine.

CA: S.F. ready to replace Muni train control system that runs on floppy disks

This post was written in en

Liked: CA: S.F. ready to replace Muni train control system that runs on floppy disks

San Francisco transportation officials want to replace the "antiquated" infrastructure that uses floppy disks to run the Muni Metro light-rail system and awarded the first contract Tuesday for the roughly decadelong project.

The $700 million project to replace Muni Metro's train control system with a modern one would be its first upgrade in almost three decades. The city installed the current train control system in 1998, which requires loading three-and-a-half inch floppy disks each morning to operate the light-rail network.

Happy Send A Friend Webmention Day (1-month late)

This post was written in en

I'm a bit late to Send a Friend a Webmention Day . A month late. I wanted to say hello and check in since it's been a busy summer! I hope you're having a great start to the fall.

Hello from San Francisco!

You all rock! 🤘🏽🤘🏽

Nick Simpson

Tracy Durnell


Angelo Gladding


Joe Crawford

Sara Jakša

Todd Presta

Reilly Spitzfaden

James G

Anthony Ciccarello


Sounds of San Francisco

This post was written in en

This is a black swan
Delores Park

This is an interactive post featuring audio

I love San Francisco. It is unique with different sounds. You never know what you're going to hear around you! It could be someone who is having a great or someone who isn't doing so well. Sound provides an identity of a city. I've noticed some patterns or sounds I only tend to find here.

Something I enjoy doing is recording the sounds of San Francisco. It could be as simple as recording near Powell Station or the Mission district. These sounds were recorded using an iPhone 12.

Here is a small sample of sounds. Enjoy!

Bluegrass Concert - Click to Expand!

One of my good friends plays the banjo. He's a great banjo player. If you like bluegrass he's the person to talk to!

Bluegrass was foreign to me until my friend taught me so much about it.

Taking the MUNI- Click to Expand! I really, really enjoy taking public transportation. Not only is it better for traffic, and reduces pollution. The MUNI (and BART) stations are great places to get some audio recordings. It feels great to have for San Francisco and the uniqueness of its underground tunnels.

Public Conversation - Click to Expand! Wherever I turn, I hear conversations ranging from, "What are we having for lunch?" to "Let's go to grab a drink!" It's nice to hear people talking and enjoying each other's company through conversations in public spaces such as buses, on the street or simply sitting down on a bench.

Street - Click to Expand!

There's something so beautiful about hearing the background sounds of cars, people walking, bikes, the wind, etc. Growing up it was very quiet growing up in a small midwest town. I enjoy the "naturally" occurring city street sounds.

📍 This post was written in my apartment in San Francisco.

Day for Myself

This post was written in en

Cruising board at the beach

I don't remember the last time I spent time with myself. Moving to San Francisco, starting a new job, and getting settled busy has been an understatement. It's just been go, go, go!

I finally got a mattress to sleep on. I was sleeping on a yoga mat that was quite comfy when you added some thick blankets. It was time to start sleeping on a mattress. The bed frame is coming soon. Oh wait, I also need a couch! Baby steps! Oh gosh, I need lots of things. I need to get rid of stuff.


Today, I hopped on the bus to Golden Gate Park. The urge to leave my neighborhood for the day has been on my mind for a while. When I got off the bus, right off the bat I started riding my board. I haven't been on a board in a long time so subtle movements had me on edge. I became more comfortable with it. The breeze hit my face so nicely. I felt like heaven.

People were having picnics, riding their bikes, playing games, and simply just hanging out. This made me extremely happy.

After a while, I took a break and found a quiet area to journal. It's been a while since I've done this. Writing down my thoughts on paper brought me at ease with the anxiousness I felt when I left my apartment. Writing it down sucked it out of me.

I forgot that Golden Gate Park is next to Ocean Beach. So I figured I might as well ride my board to the beach! I love the beach! I zipped through the park to get there and man did it not disappoint.

I enjoyed having time for myself. I don't regret it today. Today was an artist date.

The day concluded with me hanging out at Noisebridge.

This blog post was written at Noisebridge. Thank you for this beautiful space you offer so many people.